Description |
This macro displays the global variables within the FreeCAD system, (e.g. FreeCAD.myVariable). Macro version: 1.0 Last modified: 2015-02-09 FreeCAD version: All Download: ToolBar Icon Author: Piffpoof |
Author |
Piffpoof |
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ToolBar Icon |
Links |
Macros recipes How to install macros How to customize toolbars |
Macro Version |
1.0 |
Date last modified |
2015-02-09 |
FreeCAD Version(s) |
All |
Default shortcut |
None |
See also |
None |
This macro displays the global variables within the FreeCAD system (e.g. FreeCAD.myVariable). The user may add and remove variables from the display, which may also be updated on a timed basis.
All the code for variableWatcher.FCMacro is in one macro. So installation is comprised of copying the code to the appropriate Macro directory and invoking the Global Variable Watcher from the Macro menu, the Python console or a toolbar button (the preferred method).
Select global variables to be watched by using the rightmost pop-up menu. Click the "Display Now" button to immediately display the variable and its value, or click on the "Timer On" button to start an automatic timer. The interval for the timer is set in the far left pop-up menu. The topmost option on the rightmost pop-up menu is to update the list of global variables as they may have been created or deleted under program control.
A variable may be removed from the watch list by right-clicking over it or it's value, and selecting "remove variable".
This is a pre-release version and not all aspects are finalized - especially the listing the global variable and their values.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Variable Watcher # displays variables of the form FreeCAD.*, # either manually or on a timed basis # ################################ # routine to <description goes here> """ script does <long winded description goes here> """ ################################ # import statements import FreeCAD import math, collections, time from datetime import datetime from threading import Timer from PySide import QtGui, QtCore # UI Class definitions class VariableWatcher(QtGui.QDialog): """""" def __init__(self): super(VariableWatcher, self).__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): column1LH = 10 column2LH = 350 headerY = 20 row1 = 50 row2 = 75 row3 = 100 row4 = 125 row5 = 150 # define window xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim self.setGeometry( 250, 250, 750, 200) self.setWindowTitle("Variable Watcher") self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.intervalDefault = str(2) # labels self.name1 = QtGui.QLabel(varLabelSpaces, self) self.name1.move(column1LH, row1) self.value1 = QtGui.QLabel(varValueSpaces, self) self.value1.move(column2LH, row1) self.name2 = QtGui.QLabel(varLabelSpaces, self) self.name2.move(column1LH, row2) self.value2 = QtGui.QLabel(varValueSpaces, self) self.value2.move(column2LH, row2) self.name3 = QtGui.QLabel(varLabelSpaces, self) self.name3.move(column1LH, row3) self.value3 = QtGui.QLabel(varValueSpaces, self) self.value3.move(column2LH, row3) self.name4 = QtGui.QLabel(varLabelSpaces, self) self.name4.move(column1LH, row4) self.value4 = QtGui.QLabel(varValueSpaces, self) self.value4.move(column2LH, row4) self.name5 = QtGui.QLabel(varLabelSpaces, self) self.name5.move(column1LH, row5) self.value5 = QtGui.QLabel(varValueSpaces, self) self.value5.move(column2LH, row5) self.intervalLbl = QtGui.QLabel("interval", self) self.intervalLbl.move(90, headerY) self.timestampLbl = QtGui.QLabel(" ", self) self.timestampLbl.move(300, 180) # radio buttons self.timerOnRB = QtGui.QRadioButton("Timer On",self) self.timerOnRB.setEnabled(True) self.timerOnRB.clicked.connect(self.onTimerOnRB) self.timerOnRB.move(150,headerY-10) self.timerOffRB = QtGui.QRadioButton("Timer Off",self) self.timerOffRB.setEnabled(True) self.timerOffRB.setChecked(True) self.timerOffRB.clicked.connect(self.onTimerOffRB) self.timerOffRB.move(150,headerY+10) # nowButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Display Now', self) nowButton.clicked.connect(self.onDisplayNow) nowButton.move(250, headerY-7) # set up lists for pop-ups self.intervalPopupItems = ("0.5","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10") # set up pop-up menu for timer interval self.intervalPop = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self.intervalPop.addItems(self.intervalPopupItems) self.intervalPop.setCurrentIndex(self.intervalPopupItems.index(self.intervalDefault)) self.interval = self.intervalDefault self.intervalPop.move(10,headerY-5) self.intervalPop.activated[str].connect(self.onIntervalActivated) # set up pop-up menu FreeCAD global variables to watch self.globVar = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self.globVar.addItems(fcGlobalVars()) self.globVar.setCurrentIndex(0) self.globVar.setGeometry(0,0,250,30) self.globVar.move(375,headerY-7) self.globVar.activated[str].connect(self.onMenuChoice) # cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Cancel', self) cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.onCancel) cancelButton.move(650, headerY-7) # contextual menu for removing variable from watch list mnuRemove = QtGui.QAction(self) mnuRemove.setText("remove variable") mnuRemove.triggered.connect(self.onRemoveVariable) # define menu and add option self.name1.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.name1.addAction(mnuRemove) self.name2.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.name2.addAction(mnuRemove) self.name3.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.name3.addAction(mnuRemove) self.name4.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.name4.addAction(mnuRemove) self.name5.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.name5.addAction(mnuRemove) self.value1.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.value1.addAction(mnuRemove) self.value2.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.value2.addAction(mnuRemove) self.value3.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.value3.addAction(mnuRemove) self.value4.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.value4.addAction(mnuRemove) self.value5.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.value5.addAction(mnuRemove) # def onIntervalActivated(self, text): self.interval = text def onTimerOffRB(self): # don't do much, this button serves as a semaphore for the timer routine pass def onTimerOnRB(self): # launch timer routine which is based on the Off radio button self.timerRoutine() def timerRoutine(self): if self.timerOnRB.isChecked(): # if the On button is still checked then launch another timer event #print self.interval Timer(float(self.interval), self.timerRoutine, ()).start() #Timer(2, self.timerRoutine, ()).start() else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Timer ceasing\n") # now do what should be done self.timerRoutineActions() def timerRoutineActions(self): global watchedVariables if len(watchedVariables)>0: self.displayVariables() else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Timer found no variables\n") self.timestamp() def timestamp(self): self.timestampLbl.setText('%H:%M:%S')) def onDisplayNow(self): self.timestamp() if len(watchedVariables)>0: self.displayVariables() else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Found no variables\n") def onMenuChoice(self,aChoice): # handle the user choice from the list of FreeCAD global variables if aChoice==topOfMenuChoices: # wants to update list of Global variable in FreeCAD self.globVarPopupItems = fcGlobalVars() self.globVar.clear() self.globVar.addItems(self.globVarPopupItems) else: if hasattr(FreeCAD,aChoice): varStr = "FreeCAD."+aChoice exec "varVal = "+varStr exec "dataTypeStr = str(type(" + varStr + "))" self.addVariable(varStr,varVal.__repr__()) def addVariable(self, aNameStr, aValueStr): global watchedVariables if len(watchedVariables)<watchVariableLimit: # screen limited in size for now if aNameStr not in watchedVariables.keys(): # prevent adding same variable twice watchedVariables[aNameStr] = aValueStr self.displayVariables() def onRemoveVariable(self): global watchedVariables if self.name1.underMouse() or self.value1.underMouse(): variableToRemove = self.name1.text() if self.name2.underMouse() or self.value2.underMouse(): variableToRemove = self.name2.text() if self.name3.underMouse() or self.value3.underMouse(): variableToRemove = self.name3.text() #print variableToRemove watchedVariables.pop(variableToRemove) self.displayVariables() def displayVariables(self): global watchedVariables sortedKeys = watchedVariables.keys() sortedKeysCount = len(sortedKeys) # clear display variables self.name1.setText("") self.value1.setText("") self.name2.setText("") self.value2.setText("") self.name3.setText("") self.value3.setText("") self.name4.setText("") self.value4.setText("") self.name5.setText("") self.value5.setText("") # now display variable names and values # use 'if hasattr(FreeCAD,"ABC"):' to ensure that variable still exists for i in range(0,min(len(watchedVariables),5)): aNameStr = sortedKeys[i] exec "aValueStr = "+aNameStr+".__repr__()" #print aNameStr, " ", aValueStr if i==0: self.name1.setText(aNameStr) self.value1.setText(aValueStr) elif i==1: self.name2.setText(aNameStr) self.value2.setText(aValueStr) elif i==2: self.name3.setText(aNameStr) self.value3.setText(aValueStr) elif i==3: self.name4.setText(aNameStr) self.value4.setText(aValueStr) elif i==4: self.name5.setText(aNameStr) self.value5.setText(aValueStr) def onCancel(self): # need to shut down timer if running self.close() # Class definitions # Functions definitions def fcGlobalVars(): varDict = list() varDict.append(topOfMenuChoices) for i in FreeCAD.__dict__.keys(): typeStr = type(FreeCAD.__dict__[i]) # disregard functions or methods, module if str(typeStr) in ("<type 'type'>","<type 'builtin_function_or_method'>","<type 'module'>"): pass else: # ignore reserved variable names if str(i) in ("PythonAssistantWindowStatus","GuiUp","ActiveDocument", "__path__", "__package__", "__doc__", "__name__"): pass else: varDict.append(i) return varDict # Constant definitions topOfMenuChoices = ">Update list of global variables<" varLabelSpaces = "> <" varValueSpaces = "> <" # code *********************************************************************************** global watchVariables, watchVariableLimit watchedVariables = {} watchVariableLimit = 5 # number of lines on screen form = VariableWatcher() form.exec_() # #OS: Mac OS X #Word size: 64-bit #Version: 0.14.3703 (Git) #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-14 #Hash: c6edd47334a3e6f209e493773093db2b9b4f0e40 #Python version: 2.7.5 #Qt version: 4.8.6 #Coin version: 3.1.3 #SoQt version: 1.5.0 #OCC version: 6.7.0 # #thus ends the macro...